Full-Service crossdocking via GROEN-Direkt Choose convenience, reliability and transparency. Discover CROSSDOCK-Direkt and experience the benefits for yourself! CROSSDOCK-Direkt is the smart logistics solution for garden plant traders and growers via GROEN-Direkt. More time for your plants and customers, less worry about the rest! TOTAL CARE BY GROEN_DIREKT EFFICIENT AND EASY: 1 shipment, 1 invoice and […]
Spring Fair 2025

We would like to invite you to our Spring Fair taking place on 4 and 5 February 2025. This fair offers an impressive exhibition of more than 5,000 plant samples. We will ensure that the Spring Fair is a fantastic event. Will you be there? You are most welcome!
Kerstbomen Cash & Carry

Kerstbomen Cash & Carry
Winter-Christmas fair on 4&5 NovemberWinter-Kerstbeurs op 4 en 5 november

Winter-Christmas fair; the atmospheric last fair of the year!We are pleased to close the 2024 fair season with the atmospheric Winter-Christmas Fair on 4 and 5 November. Under the enjoyment of oliebollen we would like to meet you. Het aanbod op deze beurs is enorm! Tuinplanten, tuinplanten met een kerstaccent, kerststukjes, kerstbomen, hardware en nog […]
Spring Fair 2024

Kerstbomen Cash & Carry geopend

Kerstbomen Cash & Carry Vanaf deze week tot kort voor kerst (week 50) bieden wij de mogelijkheid om uw kerstboomvoorraad aan te vullen en op peil te houden. Onze Cash & Carry bij het GROEN-Direkt gebouw bestaat uit meer dan 120 maat- en soortcombinaties voor elk budget. Naast kerstbomen kunt u bij de Cash&Carry ook […]
Christmas fair

On 6 & 7 November, we are already hosting the last fair of 2023. You are most welcome to the cosy Winter-Christmas Fair In addition to the garden plants range, you will also find a special Christmas offer. The offer will remain online all winter. There will also be another Meet& Trade and we will […]
Order your Christmas trees on time

Order your Christmas trees on time The pre-sale prices are valid until 6 September. After this date, among other things, the Volume Discount will expire and prices of various Nordmann cut trees may be up to 5% more expensive. In addition, for various exclusive offers pot trees from 6 September … gone = gone. Our […]

The new 2024 fair dates are known! The 2024 fair season starts at the Spring Fair 6&7 February 2024. You will also find on the calendar the weekly fairs, the extra large and atmospheric seasonal fairs and the Christmas tree sale starting at the Autumn Fair. There are so many great things to see at […]
Uitleverdata voor en na de Najaarsbeurs
LET OP: Uitleverdata voor en na de NajaarsbeursDe laatste uitleverdag voor de Najaarsbeurs is vrijdag 19 augustus. In de week van de Najaarsbeurs leveren wij geen orders uit. De uitleveringen van de Najaarsbeurs orders zullen vanaf woensdag 31 augustus plaatsvinden.